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Cleverbot Memes, Because everything that Cleverbot can say is drawn from its millions of real human conversations it lets users accesses a wealth of unique information popular memes in jokes and references compiled from everything that people have fed into it previously Since many who chat with Cleverbot tend to do so for their own amusement Cleverbot s personality can sometimes be illogical or rude

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Cleverbot Memes, Cleverbot Chat with a bot about anything and everything AI learns from people in context and imitates Cleverbot About Cleverbot The site Cleverbot com started in 2006 but the AI was born in 1988 when Rollo Carpenter saw how to make his machine learn It has been learning ever since

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Cleverbot Memes, Evie shares her database with Cleverbot which is an internet star in its own right Cleverbot conversations have long been shared on Twitter Facebook websites forums and bulletin boards We are currently working to give Evie some more artificial companions such as the male avatar Boibot

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Cleverbot Memes, 31 10 2009 Cleverbot is a website that features an artificial intelligence AI application that chats with users in real time It is able to simulate human conversations by choosing phrases that other users have responded with in previous conversations
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Cleverbot Memes, discord memes cleverbot A Discord bot using discord io unofficial API that enables you to show memes in discord chat and talk to Cleverbot when you feel especially alone Features Show memes in chat can be an image a GIF a youtube video whatever Discord preview and your imagination allows you

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